Als Sammelübersicht in verschiedenen Grössen zeigen wir Porzellanschalen, Geschirr Salatschalen, Müslischalen, Porzellanbowls die wir spülmaschinenfest bedrucken.
umfangreiche Übersicht an Porzellanschalen, Bowlformen, Müsliformen, Schüsselformen, Salatformen, Saltschüsseln seitens EU-Werk2. Teilweise ist das Porzellan stapelbar oder stapelggeignet. Wir führen für diese Artikel keinen Lagerbestand, d.h. die Beschaffung und Motivbedruckung erfolgt nur in grösseren Projektarbeiten ab 1x Europalette.
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ArtNr. LubBowl-Werk2
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Bowl-Schalen-Porzellan-Werk2.pdf |
Form | Artikel | Item | size | ArtNr |
AFRODYTA | Bowl Beilagenschale | Bowl | 6 | 2699 |
AFRODYTA | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 14 | 2614 |
AFRODYTA | Salatschale | Salad bowl (55cl) | 18,5 | 2619 |
AFRODYTA | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 23 | 2623 |
AMERYKA | Bowl Beilagenschale | Bowl | 5 | 1370 |
AMERYKA | Bowl Müslischale | Bowl | 10 | 1070 |
AMERYKA | Bowl Müslischale | Bowl | 13 | 123 |
AMERYKA | Bowl Müslischale | Bowl | 14 | 124 |
AMERYKA | Bowl Ramequin mit Relief | Salad bowl w/relief | 9 | 1317 |
AMERYKA | Bowl Ramequin mit Relief | Salad bowl w/relief | 11,5 | 1319 |
AMERYKA | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 12 | 114 |
AMERYKA | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 16 | 118 |
ANKARA | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 13 | 4116 |
ANKARA | Salatschale quadratisch | Salad bowl (square) | 13,5 | 4113 |
ARCADIA | Bowl Müslischale | Bowl | 14 | 524 |
ARCADIA | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 13 | 514 |
ARCADIA | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 16,5 | 518 |
ARCADIA | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 18 | 519 |
ARCADIA | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 23 | 523 |
ATENA | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 16 | 2033 |
AVOCADO | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 16 | 3614 |
AVOCADO | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 19 | 3613 |
AVOCADO | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 23 | 3633 |
CANCUN | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 16 | 191 |
CELEBRATION | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 14,5 | 2311 |
CELEBRATION | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 18 | 2317 |
CELEBRATION | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 23 | 2323 |
CLASSIC | Bowl Müslischale | Bowl | 12 | 2539 |
CLASSIC | Bowl Schälchen | Bowl | 8 | 2538 |
CLASSIC | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 8,5 / 8,5 | 2543 |
CLASSIC | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 10 / 10 | 2527 |
CLASSIC | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 11,5 | 2532 |
CLASSIC | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 12 / 12 | 2533 |
CLASSIC | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 14 / 14 | 2524 |
CLASSIC | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 14,5 / 14, 5 | 2544 |
CLASSIC | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 18 | 2534 |
CLASSIC | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 22 | 2535 |
DAISY | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 13 | 4514 |
DAISY | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 17 | 4518 |
DAISY | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 21 | 4523 |
DAISY | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 26 | 4526 |
ELEGANCE | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 15 | 3116 |
ETO | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 14 | 1922 |
ETO | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 23 | 1923 |
EYE | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 19 | 4149 |
GOURMET | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 25 | 3625 |
GOURMET | Salatschale quadratisch | Salad bowl square | 23 | 3623 |
GOURMET | Salatschale quadratisch | Salad bowl square | 19 | 3619 |
GROOVE | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 17 | 1995 |
HEL | Bowl Müsli mit Relief | Bowl with relief | 14 | 672 |
HEL | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 14 | 614 |
HEL | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 16 | 618 |
HEL | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 21 | 621 |
HEL | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 23 | 623 |
IDA | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 17 | 3017 |
IDA | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 26 | 3026 |
IDA | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 21 | 3021 |
IDA | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 15 | 3015 |
IRENA | Bowl Ramequin glatt | Bowl | 0,12l | 1629 |
IRENA | Bowl Ramequin glatt | Bowl | 0,08l | 1632 |
IZA | Bowl Schälchen | Bowl | 11 | 1668 |
JASTRA | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 12 | 814 |
JASTRA | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 23 | 823 |
LEVEL | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 23,5 | 793 |
LEVEL | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 18,5 | 735 |
LEVEL | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 14 | 727 |
LIKE | Bowl Müslischale | Bowl | 12 | 641 |
LIKE | Bowl Schälchen | Bowl | 10 | 668 |
LIKE | Bowl Schälchen | Bowl | 8 | 638 |
LIKE | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 24 | 694 |
LIKE | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 18,5 | 649 |
LIKE | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 14 | 664 |
LODGE | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 23,5 | 3323 |
LODGE | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 14 | 3314 |
LUBIANA | Bowl Müsli | Bowl | 0,40 | 1624 |
LUBIANA | Bowl Salat | Bowl | 0,65 | 1719 |
MADRYT | Bowl Schälchen | Bowl | 11,5 | 3174 |
MADRYT | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 12 | 3113 |
MARIA | Bowl Schälchen | Bowl | 11,5 | 3502 |
MARIA | Bowl Schälchen | Bowl | 9,5 | 3501 |
MARIA | Bowl Schälchen | Bowl | 7,5 | 3500 |
MARIA | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 16 | 3518 |
MARIA | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 13 | 3514 |
MARIA | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 23 | 3523 |
MARIA | Salatschale mit Henkel | Salad bowl with handle | 20 | 3524 |
MARIA | Salatschale mit Henkel | Salad bowl with handle | 16,5 | 3522 |
MARIA | Salatschale mit Henkel | Salad bowl with handle | 12,5 | 3513 |
MERKURY | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 13 | 714 |
MERKURY | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 15 | 718 |
MERKURY | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 18 | 719 |
MERKURY | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 21 | 721 |
MILANO | Bowl Schälchen | Bowl | 11 | 662 |
MILANO | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 13 | 663 |
MOVING | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 14 | 1313 |
MOVING | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 18 | 1318 |
MOVING | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 23 | 1323 |
NEPTUN | Bowl Müslischale | Bowl | 14 | 2424 |
NEPTUN | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 13 | 2414 |
NEPTUN | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 16,5 | 2418 |
NEPTUN | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 18 | 2419 |
OLA | Bowl Müslischale | Bowl | 14 | 1924 |
OLA | Bowl Müslischale | Bowl | 13 | 1916 |
OLA | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 17 | 1949 |
OPERA | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 14 | 3617 |
OPERA | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 18 | 3618 |
OPERA | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 23 | 3624 |
RITA | Bowl Müsli rund | Bowl round | 14 | 478 |
RITA | Bowl Müslischale | Bowl | 12 | 474 |
RITA | Bowl Müslischale stapelbar | Bowl stackable | 15 | 421 |
RITA | Bowl Salat glatt | Bowl | 18,5 | 419 |
RITA | Bowl Salat stapelbar | Bowl stackable | 17 | 476 |
RITA | Bowl Schälchen rund | Bowl round | 11 | 416 |
RITA | Bowl Schälchen rund | Bowl round | 11,5 | 417 |
RITA | Bowl stapelbar quadratisch | Bowl square stackable | 11,5 | 414 |
RITA | Bowl Schüssel | Bowl | 19,5 | 418 |
RITA | Bowl Schüssel | Bowl | 19 | 456 |
RITA | Bowl Schüssel stapelbar | Bowl stackable | 23 | 423 |
RITA | Salatschale quadrat stapelbar | Salad bowl square stackable | 11/11 | 425 |
RITA | Schale quadrat stapelbar | Salad bowl square stackable | 15/18 | 424 |
RIVER | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 21 | 4821 |
ROMA | Bowl Schälchen | Bowl | 0,14 | 2184 |
ROMA | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 14 | 2115 |
ROMA | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 16 | 2025 |
ROMA | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 18,5 | 2018 |
ROMA | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 23 | 2123 |
ROMA | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 26 | 2026 |
ROMA ETO | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 23 | 2925 |
ROMA ETO | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 26 | 2926 |
ROMA ETO HOTEL | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 14 | 342 |
ROMA ETO HOTEL | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 16 | 344 |
ROYAL | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 26 | 1426 |
ROYAL | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 21 | 1451 |
ROYAL | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 15 | 1442 |
ROYAL | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 17 | 1444 |
ROYAL | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 13 | 1443 |
ROYAL | Salatschale mit Henkel | Salad bowl with handle | 16 | 1409 |
RUMBA | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 13 | 1626 |
SAILING | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 22 | 4023 |
SAILING | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 14 | 4014 |
SAILING | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 18 | 4018 |
STONE AGE | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 14 | 4614 |
STONE AGE | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 18 | 4618 |
STONE AGE | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 22 | 4622 |
STONE AGE | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 28,5 | 4628 |
STONE AGE RELIEF | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 22 | 4722 |
STONE AGE RELIEF | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 28,5 | 4728 |
SUNNY | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 17 | 4115 |
SUNNY | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 23 | 4122 |
TIAGO | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 23 | 1332 |
TIAGO | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 14 | 1337 |
TRAPO | Bowl Müslischale | Bowl | 13 | 2569 |
TRAPO | Bowl Müslischale | Bowl | 12,5 | 2576 |
TRAPO | Bowl Schüssel (Eon) | Bowl (Eon) | 19 | 2554 |
TRAPO | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 14 | 2514 |
TRAPO | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 18,5 | 2518 |
TRAPO | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 23,5 | 2523 |
TRAPO | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 16 | 2578 |
VENUS | Bowl Schüssel | Bowl | 20 | 950 |
VENUS | Bowl Schüssel | Bowl | 25 | 951 |
VENUS | Bowl Schüssel | Bowl | 30 | 952 |
VICTORIA | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 13/16 | 2714 |
VICTORIA | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 18/22 | 2718 |
VICTORIA | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 23/29 | 2723 |
VICTORIA HOTEL | Bowl Schälchen | Bowl | 0,20 | 2807 |
VICTORIA HOTEL | Bowl Schälchen | Bowl | 0,10 | 2808 |
WERSAL | Bowl Müslischale | Bowl | 13,5 | 2224 |
WERSAL | Bowl Müslischale | Bowl | 14 | 2245 |
WERSAL | Bowl Schälchen | Bowl | 7,5 | 2207 |
WERSAL | Bowl Schälchen | Bowl | 11,5 | 2283 |
WERSAL | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 12 | 2217 |
WERSAL | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 16 | 2216 |
WERSAL | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 18 | 2218 |
WERSAL | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 21 | 2221 |
WING | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 15 | 1414 |
WING | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 18 | 1418 |
WING | Salatschale | Salad bowl | 23 | 1423 |
Als Sammelübersicht in verschiedenen Grössen zeigen wir Porzellanschalen, Geschirr Salatschalen, Müslischalen, Porzellanbowls die wir spülmaschinenfest bedrucken.